Day 5 (Thursday) Teaser Videos
Register for our free “Truth Project Apologetic Camp”. The camp is open for everyone from 13 years old and over. It goes the week between Christmas and New Years (Dec. 26 – 30) from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Childcare will be provided during the Wednesday – Friday sessions. We hope this will make it easier for you to come to the rest of the Truth Project Apologetic Camp … your children will have fun while you are learning how to share the truth of the gospel with others.
We have launched a 5-day “TRUTH PROJECT – Apologetics Intensive Camp” – for all ages 13 through adult. M-F 6-9pm @ Calvary Ojai. This is for EVERYONE who wants to be engaged in the relevant conversations of today from an informed position – who wants to help people who are asking the questions that matter – What is truth? What is the meaning of life? Who is God? Why do you believe what you believe? What is morality? Why does it matter? So much more . . . For those who reject FAKE news – and don’t like to be easily fooled by intellectual slight-of-hand – who would like to use mindful information to heal instead of hurt – for those who would rather be involved than see more lives harmed for lack of wisdom or vision – for those who would be MOTIVATED BY LOVE – and not just training to win arguments – this is for you!!
To learn more about what the Truth Project is all about watch the following video trailer:
Truth Project Trailer
Register Below:
Breakout Discussion Groups Day 1