God Is Not A Politician; He Is The Giver Of Life

God is not a Democrat; God is not a Republican. He is neither Independent, Green Party, nor Libertarian.

Jesus is not a liberal; Jesus is not a conservative. He is neither a progressive nor fundamentalist.

God is not a Capitalist nor Communist Socialist Imperialist. He is neither expansionist, nationalist, constructionist nor deconstructionist.

He is not an existentialist, Darwinist and God is definitely not an atheist!

Jesus cares about equality but he is not a feminist. He is the “prince of peace,” but he is not an activist. God is not a racist!

Jesus is not — a psychologist, sociologist, philosopher nor theologian. He is not a Methodist, Baptist, Catholic nor Presbyterian.

Jesus heals but he is not a therapist. He brings change but he is not an anarchist. He is a doctor but he does not have a university degree. The medicine he uses is the Holy Spirit — and he said the truth shall set you free!

He is not a culture, not a power base, not a point of view, not a business, not a book deal. God is definitely not something new. He is not a fantasy, not an archetype, not a manifestation of the mind.

God is love, God is truth; a just judge, God is gracious and kind.

Jesus is not a label, not a pundit, not a commentator, nor figurehead, He is neither a politician, nor statesman, not a celebrity, not mythical, not dead!

Not a backup plan, not a lame excuse, not a crutch for the naive, not trite. Not a religion, not an organization, not a creed, ceremony, nor rite.

He is not a brand name, nor a marketing scheme, not a spokesman nor a fashion trend. Jesus is not a rock star!

Jesus is not a sports hero! He is not a bumper sticker, not a piece of jewelry, not a T-shirt, not a radio station, not a TV channel, not a band, nor a song.

He is the foundation, the goal, the compass, the map, the quest, and the authority on all things, right and wrong. He is the giver of life — creator of all things — the beginning and the end, All knowing, all powerful, redeemer, king of kings, lord, savior and friend.