Not defeated – not a victim – heaven heard when he would pray.
Not militant – not violent – not mean in what he would say.
He identified injustice – as he made his vision clear.
God’s message must be heard so he found ways to make them hear

He demanded equality – not separations.
He demanded equality – not reparations.
Martin-Luther-King-JrHe demanded equality – not false incriminations.
He demanded equality – not reverse discriminations.
Equal opportunity – not affirmative actions.
As brethren living in unity – not race-based reactions.
Peace among the people – not deeper division.
Freedom to live one’s life, without strife or derision.

He preached to America – with a voice big and tall.
A message that still rings today – an exhortation – a clarion call.
The crooked ways must be set straight.
Love must triumph over hate.

He led the crowds. He went to jail. He had a dream and made it known.
His sermons pointed to his faith in Jesus, that he would not walk this path alone.
Young and old, girl and boy, white and black – hand in hand –
Equal treatment, in every way, in every state, across the land.
The fire of Jesus burst forth from His heart.
As he implored his kinsman and fellow clergymen to each do their part.
He was just a man – a Christian man – one man who answered the call –
He was a pastor shepherding in God’s flock, demanding equality for one and all.