A Thankful Heart by Dan Nelson

Thanksgiving that many of us share that ties in with a valuable life truth; a thankful heart is a key to happiness.  The Bible tells us to come before God with an attitude of thanksgiving, to praise and worship Him with a heart of thanksgiving, to ask Him for the things that we need with thanksgiving.  (Psalm 95:2, Psalm 147:7, Philippians 4:6)  In other words, our approach to God should always be with a grateful heart, recognizing that we are blessed.  It seems that we shouldn’t ask for more until we appreciate what we already have been given.

We truly enjoy so much every day to be thankful for.  So before we get upset, angry, or bitter because of the scheduling challenges, financial strain, and (dare I say) difficult people that we sometimes encounter, let’s take some time to count our blessings.  Let’s not take for granted our freedoms, prosperity, and the people who make this life so special. Let’s also remember from whom our blessings flow; the Bible says that all good gifts come from God.  (James 1:17). So if you feel that Thanksgiving came and went and you missed it, don’t worry, and make today Thanksgiving Day.  You see, for a Christian, everyday should be a day of thanksgiving.