Pastor Chuck Smith – by Dan Nelson

Chuck Smith, man of God, pastor, teacher, mentor, is now face to face with Jesus. I am grieved at our temporary loss and celebrate pastor Chuck’s situation with our Lord, whom he faithfully served. He is a model and teacher in so many ways and has left us with much to carry forward. I just shared with my children my hopes to be faithful to the last breath as pastor Chuck has been. Well done . . . It has been an honor to learn from you.

Tonight’s service at Calvary Ojai is dedicated to the life and legacy of our pastor Chuck Smith. We will be reflecting on his message and example of holding fast to the Word of God to teach us how to pray, worship, and live. We will view the recent (2013) 40 minute interview entitled: A Conversation With Chuck Smith, and invest some time discussing his impact on our lives.  Prepare to be encouraged in the strength of our Lord and the testimony of his faithful servant. Everyone is welcome!!! 7pm tonight!!!