Showing the Love of Jesus at Ojai Day by Dan Nelson

Every year on a Saturday in October, our town gathers together, welcoming guests from throughout southern California, to IMG_5909celebrate the life, culture, and arts of the Ojai Valley. Family, food, and fun typify our annual festival, while locals show off some of the uniqueness that makes our community great. And yet, there is a large block of our community that may be largely unrecognized.

I am always intrigued by the reputation of our valley. When I am out of town, and people ask me where I am from, it seems those that recognize the name of our community do so for one of a few reasons: the Ojai Valley Inn, Lake Casitas, and Art Galleries. If one has visited before, almost invariably, I hear how beautiful our landscape is. And they are right! And often, there is a follow up comment about the various spiritual centers and eastern mystical ideas that are found here. But gradually, I am seeing our reputation change. More and more people seem to be associating the Ojai Valley with Christianity as well.

I realize that this assessment may be a bit irritating to some, and encouraging to others. But I am hearing more folks than ever relate to me an association between our community and Jesus. I think Forest Home, a Christ based destination for campers from across the state, might have something to do with it. I am hoping that Calvary Bookstore somehow plays a part in this way as well. But mostly, I think the impact is made by local churches, and the thousands of individuals in our community who have given their lives to Jesus.

Whether housing and feeding homeless, sponsoring outreach to teens, reaching out to our elderly, or funding critical programs, the affect that area Christians are having on our community is nothing less than a blessing. And I am not aware of any place where there is more cooperation among the local congregations to pray and partner together. Further, I would venture to estimate that the largest commonality represented here is faith in Jesus Christ. This conviction will be embodied among many of the artists, dancers, musicians, sellers, and patrons assembling to commemorate all that is Ojai.

As you walk the streets and the park, watch the exhibits and the bands, enjoy the activities and the eats, and celebrate local life and culture at Ojai Day, I hope you see the love of Jesus pouring out of many here that live for the cause of Christ.