Tribute To Mothers

Think of all of the things you learned from your mother! As I ponder this, it seems an impossibly daunting task to form anything close to a comprehensive list of lessons learned from my mom. From launching first footsteps, and shaping sounds into intelligible words, to learning how to share toys, solve problems, and build relationships, our moms taught us essential life skills that you and I are often too busy to appreciate.

Heavy pressure weights the hearts and minds of mothers these days. From financial concerns and scheduling pressures to societal woes and protecting from danger, moms find a lot of things to worry about. Clothes that fit, homework checks, sports commitments, parent meetings, paying bills, healthy meals, her list seems endless. Is it any wonder that they say, “A mother’s work is never done!”? And a mother is always a mother, no matter how old her children get.

Motherhood is a wonderful gift to all of us, and it is created in the mind of God. The original idea and intent of what it means to be a mother was given by God and, I am convinced, is a primary answer to the problems of this world. When we fail to acknowledge the vital role of motherhood, we dishonor our own mothers and do a disservice to humanity.

But how can a mom live up to all of the expectations that are placed upon her today? Can she cook like Rachael Ray, keep house like Martha Stewart, handle finances like Suze Orman, look like Angelina Jolie, and still never lose her patience with the kids? I believe the root problem is that many of us today are getting our model of the ideal mom from the wrong sources. Since God is the one who created us, and the role of motherhood, shouldn’t we go to the Bible to learn what a mother is to be?

The Scriptures teach that that we are all flawed; and therefore, there is no such thing as the “perfect mom.” Further, to attempt to live up to the expectations of others is an impossible and ever-changing demand. Therefore, the only one that mothers need to “impress” is an audience of ONE; God. The beautiful thing is that God is already deeply in love with every mom, and desires to give all that is needed in fulfilling this role of motherhood. It isn’t easy. In fact, every involved mother I know would say that it is quite difficult. However, the Bible teaches that it is worth the investment to fully engage in training up your children in the ways of Jesus; it will produce benefits all of their lives, and yield eternal dividends. But it takes wisdom and patience, and that doesn’t come from comparing oneself to television models and cooking show hosts: these essential attributes can only come from God.

What is needed is personal quiet time with the Spirit of God in prayer, reading and meditation in His Word, as well as support from others. By oneself, success in motherhood is unattainable. But remember, Jesus said, “with God all things are possible.” Let’s all take time to appreciate the mothers in our lives; to acknowledge the difficulty, encourage, love, and pray for them. By doing so, we might be able to help make life just a bit easier.